Saturday, April 28, 2012

Work Study

I have found that a lot of perspective students are curious about the availability of jobs on the Fordham campus. Luckily for me, I was able to get a job on campus through the Fordham Work Study program as part of my Financial Aid package. Even if students do not receive a work study grant, there are plenty of opportunities for on campus employment if you so desire.  Jobs on campus include working at the library, pool, residence halls, Ram Van, as well as other office work  oriented jobs within the different departments at Fordham. For the past two years, I have been employed by the Fordham Athletics department as a lifeguard at the pool.

Working at the pool has been a great experience. I have been a certified lifeguard since I was 15 and always had a lifeguarding job while in high school. Being able to continue lifeguarding here at Fordham really helped with my transition into the college. My lifeguarding job requires me to work 12 hours per week which has helped me improve my time management skills because I know my homework has to be done before going to work for my shift. The athletics department has a lot of flexibility when it comes to scheduling so I was able to work shifts that help structure days when I do not have many classes. My job at the pool has also given me a front row seat to both swim meets and water polo matches; it has been a great way to follow along with some of Fordham’s best sports teams!

If you’re interested in a job on campus or received a Work Study Grant as part of your financial aid package be sure to contact the Office of Student Employment to find a job that’s right for you!

1 comment:

  1. Work study is great. If you can't get it from the name, you basically sit there and study when your working. No hourly job can beat it. college bedding for girls.
