Thursday, October 20, 2011

Intramurals at Fordham!

Oh how I had missed playing softball. The smell of freshly cut grass on the field, the feeling in your hand when you catch a ball with your glove, the swing of a bat; I can go on for hours! I enjoyed playing softball competitively during elementary school and for fun with friends and family, but I'm definitely no Jennie Finch. Luckily, my roommate (who's an amazing softball player) was also interested, and the two of us recruited some of our other friends to form an intramural softball team.
Intramurals involve playing about one game a week for a little over a month against other teams formed within Fordham. Whether it is basketball, softball, soccer, volleyball, or even dodgeball, many students have joined teams in order to make new friends, take a much-needed study break, and to be able to play a sport they love without any pressure to be great at it or to commit to the rigors of Division I sports.
Deciding to play intramural softball was one of the best decisions I made last semester. It gave me the opportunity to get some exercise, play a sport that I have enjoyed throughout most of my life, and meet some new people along the way. I was blessed to be a part of a great team, and I wouldn't have changed it for anything. We might not have had the greatest skills, but we, the "B-League Brawlers," had an amazing time playing together each week. We even got so into the team aspect that we had matching red and white baseball shirts that we wore each game!
I can't wait to join another team. And maybe this year, I'll play some basketball as well! Or maybe dodgeball. Decisions, decisions...
For more information on how to form or join intramural teams, click here.

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