Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Summer at the Bank of New York Mellon

Finding and participating in challenging internships is a great part of the undergraduate experience. To help students, Fordham offers a number of tools for finding and participating in these internships. Perhaps even more important than these tools, however, is the recognition large companies have for the Fordham education. For the past two summers, I have interned at the Bank of New York Mellon in the Asset Servicing Department at Atlantic Terminal, Brooklyn. During my first interview for the job, the interviewers noted more than once that they knew Fordham to be a great school and the caliber of their students high. While not a tangible service offered by the school, the recognition of the Fordham education in New York and also nationally is great to take advantage of to attain these prestigious internships.

Being one of one hundred and fifty interns made the summer much more exciting. I had lunch daily with a group of five other guys from around the country and even around the world. The other intern on my floor, Simba, was from Zimbabwe. He had come to America for school and hoped to stay after he graduated. I have kept in touch with Simba over the past year and he is now looking for a full time position with the Bank. The friendships I made over the past two summers and the skills I learned are invaluable, and in large part made possible by my education at Fordham. Through the core curriculum, I felt well prepared to face the interview process thanks to my economics courses and the Eloquentia Perfecta portion of the core which focuses on public speaking, presentation and writing. Living in New York provides internship opportunities such as mine in large numbers, and Fordham provides all the tools, connections and skills needed to thrive in them.

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