Thursday, October 13, 2011

Visual Arts Major at Fordham

The Visual Arts major has five different concentrations – Photography, Architecture, Graphic Design, Film/Video, Painting/Drawing. The major is offered at both campuses – Lincoln Center and Rose Hill. General major requirement is that students are to take 4 foundation classes (Visual Thinking, Drawing I, Intro to Art History, and an art history course relevant to the student’s concentration) and 6 visual arts elective classes. Unlike other majors, the Visual Arts major is quite different as it allows you to take classes from other concentrations if you are interested, which opens the door for you to explore within the field. Because the Visual Arts only requires a student to take 10 classes plus the core, the department encourages taking double majors such as Art History, Communications and Media Studies, Theatre and Dance.

The great thing about taking Visual Arts at Fordham is that not only you get to explore the different fieldwork, and possibly graduate with double major, but you can also get an internship. New York is considered an artistic city, where companies (ranging from big corporations to small galleries) are constantly looking for interns. This not only lets you get started early in career life, but also looks good on your resume!

Fordham not only has clubs such as Visual Arts Club (Lincoln Center) and S.O.V.A. (Rose Hill), but the Art History department also offers trip called Art Fridays to the Metropolitan Museum of Art on Fridays at 5:00pm with different Fordham professors, as well as the Resident Assistants offer trips to the museums around New York City.

If you are interested in majoring Visual Arts, you can read over their own blog Visual Arts at Fordham or explore their department website.

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