Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Writing Opportunities at Fordham

Even though I am a math major, I still absolutely love to write! That's why one of my favorite aspects of Fordham is that there are so many different ways that students' writing can be published. At Rose Hill, there are two main newspapers, The Ram and the paper, and a literary journal called The Ampersand. The main newspaper at the Lincoln Center campus is The Observer. This year, I wrote my first article for The Ram, and it was a very rewarding experience to see my work being published.
Getting involved in one of the newspapers and the literary magazine is very simple. At the club fair held in the first week of school, you can indicate that you are interested in writing, and the editors will give you their emails and send you information regarding writing workshops, meetings, possible articles, and deadlines. After you write an article or literary piece, you can submit it to the editor by the deadline, and it will be published in a future issue!
Another new way to flex your writing muscles is by writing for Her Campus Fordham. Her Campus Fordham is a collegiete's guide to campus life and features articles on various topics including fashion, style, campus events, and many more! Recently, I have had an article published on the site regarding Relay For Life, a non-profit organization on campus that raises money towards finding a cure for cancer. To get involved, email the editor-in-chief Claire Cumberland at

For more information, follow these links! -- The Ram's online newspaper! - Lincoln Center's newspaper, The Observer! - Her Campus Fordham! Check out my article on Relay For Life entitled "Fighting for More Birthdays" to learn more information about the organization and some fundraising events that are/will be occurring (a bit of a shameless plug, but this is a terrific cause!)

1 comment:

  1. Student writing was the first way Conan O'brian got to express himself.
