Sunday, February 5, 2012

Love, Loss, and What I Wore

One of the greatest things about going to Fordham University is its proximity to Times Square and Broadway shows. Lately I went on an excursion to one of these shows:

I saw the off-Broadway play Love, Loss, and What I Wore last night. It was, well, exactly what one would expect from a show by that name. All of the women in the show had really dysfunctional relationships, which felt odd because, while many women lead dysfunctional lives, I don't think MOST women are going through one marriage after another, turning gay, losing their mothers at young ages, getting raped, etc. It was trying to be profound through crisis, when some stability would have done it well.

To say the least, the "loss" and the "what I wore" aspects of the show seemed to be more closely related than the author intended. The women were superficial, putting so much emphasis on that wrap dress or those suede boots that it didn't seem like a coincidence that the people in their lives then weren't given much meaning. Watching the play through that critical lens, it becomes decently good, but I wonder how many viewers do. Surely, the author/director/actresses weren't trying to expose a bunch of superficial ladies who have their priorities screwed up.

To the contrary, I think they were trying to empower women. LOL.

I wouldn't see it again, but I am happy I went once. The show had its share of good laughs, not to mention OUTSTANDING performances by Veanne Cox and Lillias White. I may be critical, yes, but after seeing what these ladies delivered, I was still ready to holler "You go, girls!"

This is just one of the many shows Broadway has to offer!


  1. Broadway shows are good but quite overpriced. For a college student with no real job, going to an off broadway show would be just as good but for a much lower price.

  2. I really want to see this play now.
