Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Working at Fordham IT Customer Care

Adjusting to college life can be a hassle, especially when your technology doesn't cooperate. One of the greatest services Fordham offers is its Fordham IT Customer Care Center where I work. We service hardware and software problems for student laptops completely free of charge. One of the most rewarding feelings is being able to tell a student that the ten page paper he or she thought was lost has been recovered - or that he or she wont have to purchase a new laptop. The Fordham IT Customer Care Center is composed of both full time employees and student workers, all of which are devoted to making sure the Fordham experience for both students and faculty goes smoothly. While working the other day, a student told me that they did not know this service existed throughout her four years at Fordham and there were a number of times it could have been a life saver. If you choose Fordham, take full advantage of this service to make sure it's a great experience, we will do all we can!

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