Saturday, March 31, 2012

Gabelli School-Global Business Honors Program

As I sadly approach the end of my four years at Fordham, I figured I’d write a quick piece about a great program I am a part of, the Gabelli School’s Global Business Honors Program, in an effort to give a bit of insight into what has been my best experience here at Fordham throughout the years. The Global Business Honors Program is a group of around 16 students who are selected from each incoming GSB freshman class to partake in a specialized experience here at Fordham. The program aims to provide a slightly more challenging curriculum with an added emphasis on studying and understanding global business.

The program features a few classes each semester that will generally go beyond, or approach differently, the material taught in a traditional GSB class. In a GBHP student’s senior year, they are responsible for producing a capstone thesis in an area that they are interested in.

My favorite part of the program however, had to be the trips that our group took during the first three years of the program. At the end of each school year, the group as a whole spent some time studying business abroad. While we didn't actually take classes in these countries, we did met with various businesses on a daily basis, and got a chance to observe the business and cultural differences in these nations. Our first year, we spent about a week and half in London and Paris. Our second year, we spent a week in Beijing, China. Our third year, we spent a week in Santiago, Chile. Three continents in three years. In speaking to friends at other universities, I have yet to hear of a program like this.

What truly makes this program great however, is most certainly my fellow students. With all the time we have spent together throughout the years, I feel like I have developed a great bond with the other members of the program. My roommates are all in the program, and I have met most of my closest friends here at Fordham through it as well. It has become very much like a family, and I have been truly fortunate to spend a great deal of time with all the tremendously gifted people involved.

If you have any questions about the program, or anything else about Fordham, feel free to shoot me an e-mail at And as always, best of luck to everyone in their college search!


  1. This sounds like a great program. Most other study abroad program requires the student to learn a language.
