Monday, March 26, 2012

The Ram: One Year Later

Last year, I one of my blog entries was about working for The Ram, Fordham's weekly "journal of record." I still work for the newspaper; in fact, this semester I am a member of the Editorial Staff, in a position called the Copy Chief.

I applied to be the Copy Chief because I hope to one day become an Editor for a publishing company, so the experience gained through my work on the newspaper will definitely be helpful down the road. Being the Copy Chief means that I’m the go-to grammar girl for everyone in the office. The Ram follows Associated Press style (for example, no oxford commas are used in Ram articles), so I'm expected to know all the different AP conventions.

photo source

I’m also responsible for reading each article twice. First, the articles are printed as Word documents, and then, once they get read by three copy editors (myself included), the articles go back to their respective sections, where the section editors make the changes and format the articles into a full newspaper page. The pages come back to the copy team for another round of reads, get returned to their sections again, and then I finally do another read of each page, along with the Managing Editor, Co-Executive Editors, and the Editor-in-Chief.

Something else new this year is that I've started writing for The Ram! My first article covered the recent debate between the College Democrats and Republicans. You can read it online here!

This week, The Ram is putting out its April Fools' Day issue, which means that most of the articles are complete lies. Last year, one of our front page news stories claimed that Fordham was cutting library hours, which made my roommate, who works at the library, extremely upset...until she realized it was a joke! Read the issue this coming Wednesday, March 28, here.

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