Thursday, April 26, 2012

Intramurals at Fordham

Are you looking to participate in sports while at Fordham, but aren't exactly ready for the time commitment that comes with being a member of a varsity or club team? Are you looking for a fun way to spend more time with 8 or more of your friends? Or are you interested in getting involved in something new, something completely different from what you did in high school? Intramural sports are the perfect solution to any of these predicaments.

A picture of my team huddling up after a game!

Fordham University has a number of different intramural programs during each of the three sporting seasons. In the fall, there's soccer, flag football, and softball. Come winter, it's time for basketball, dodgeball, and volleyball. Finally, in the spring, softball and soccer are again offered. Additionally, there are a variety of different types of intramural teams, depending on what kind of experience you are searching for. For example, I play softball in the spring and the fall in the Co-ed B-League, but men's softball is available, for all those guys too scared to be shown up by girls like me! There is also an A-League, which is more competitive than the B-League...although my team, the Flying Peacocks, still takes the games very seriously, since it is a huge honor to win the Intramural Championship here at Fordham!

Obviously, I am not going to hit this ball, but I promise, I am improving!

I never played softball before I arrived at Fordham, so I was a bit skeptical about joining a team, but it has been an incredible amount of fun. During my first semester on the team, I would always ground out, but this semester, I've made it on base almost every game, which is something I never thought I'd do! The games are only once a week, so it doesn't take too much time away from my schoolwork or other activities, and playing a sport is great stress relief during work-heavy weeks, especially as the semester draws to a close. Plus, it's great to have an excuse to hang out with your friends when you could be doing work! For more information, visit Fordham's intramural website.

Photos courtesy of Mike Rezin.


  1. Congrats on making it to a base. student life at Fordham looks very fun.

  2. coed sports are a great way to meet others as well as get some exercise between classes.
