Thursday, November 14, 2013

Think Outside the Box: Fordham's Entrepreneurship Program

Are you interested in business but don't think that the traditional fields like accounting or finance are the right thing for you? Are you dreaming of starting your own business? Maybe you should take a look at the entrepreneurship program in the Gabelli School of Business. You can choose entrepreneurship as your concentration with a major in business administration and take a range of classes to learn more about developing your own business. 

In addition to the academic work, Fordham also has the Entrepreneurship Society that offers opportunities to grow your entrepreneurial spirit outside the classroom. As a member of the society you can meet guest speakers, participate in creative hands-on activities, go to networking events, and develop a student-run business.

Another special entrepreneurship aspect at Fordham is the annual entrepreneurship conference, TrepCon. The conference features a range of speakers who speak about their experiences of starting a new business. This year's TrepCon is going on now, so check out the program here to see what events are offered.

Don't think that you can only do accounting, finance, or marketing if you are in the business school. There are a variety of programs available for your individual talents and interests!!

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