Monday, March 10, 2014

The True Magnificence of Grand Central Station

Everyone has their favorite place in New York City. For some people, it's Central Park, or Times Square, or even a certain restaurant. For me, my favorite place in New York City is Grand Central Station. Originally built in 1871, the station has undergone many demolitions and reconstructions throughout the years, until the building that is currently standing was opened in 1913. 

Made almost entirely of marble, many would say that Grand Central Station is one of the most magnificent buildings in Manhattan, including myself. While standing on the first floor, you can look around at the beauty of the marble stair cases and the illuminating clock in the center of the room, with the sunlight beaming through the huge windows to your left. Then you look up and see the beautiful artwork on the ceiling of the constellations as seen from Earth. But then, and this is my favorite part, you take in the beauty and magnificence of all of the people around you. 

Grand Central Station brings people from all over New York and the tri-state area to one place, and that is what truly makes it such a unique place. There are tourists from all over the world and commuters from Connecticut. There are couples taking their wedding photos and two people who have never met before discussing their love for Magnolia Cupcakes (which is located in the lower level). There families coming to enjoy a weekend in Manhattan and college students heading home in the hope that their mom will do their laundry. The people of Grand Central are truly what make it such a special place.

I spend so much time at Grand Central Station because the Metro North train brings you from Fordham into Grand Central, located right in the middle of Manhattan, in about 20 minutes. The proximity into Manhattan is what attracts so many students to Fordham, including myself! But it can be so easy to rush through Grand Central, rushing to get to your train, weaving through all of the people who are around you. But sometimes, if you slow down while you are there, you will remember why there are so many people standing still and taking pictures, or looking up at the ceiling, or simply taking it all in. Because Grand Central is a place of beauty of all kinds.

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