Monday, November 7, 2016

Weekend Update!

This weekend we kicked off an old Fordham tradition (maybe or maybe not inspired by SNL, an NYC-based production many Fordham students attend free live tapings of) which is Weekend Update! Here's what some of our Rams were up to this weekend:

Michael Sperling, FCRH '17: "This weekend I walked the entire island of manhattan, something I've wanted to do since freshman year, ironically on the same weekend as the NYC Marathon. In total it was an 18 miles journey that provided spectacular views an experience I will never forget."


Caroline Dunn, FCRH '17:
"On Saturday I decided to take on the land of hipsters and the L Train and I ventured to Brooklyn. In the morning, I volunteered at an animal shelter in Williamsburg called BARC and then headed down to the opening day of Brooklyn flea's winter market. I found some great deals and treated myself to a Rose and toasted almond ice cream!"

 Kaitlyn McWha, GSB '17:
"I spent my Saturday morning walking through the Botanical Gardens, located just outside of Fordham's Rose Hill campus. The Botanical Gardens is beautiful in the fall, and is a great place to enjoy nature in the Bronx!" 

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