Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Fordham Volunteer Opportunity: HOPE Count

HOPE Count (Homeless Outreach Population Estimation) is an annual survey to assess the number of individuals living in New York City’s public spaces. On the evening of HOPE, which took place on the 31st of January this year, the volunteers are teamed up and sent out to survey the streets of New York, parks and subway stations. This massive volunteer project is conducted by the New York City Department of Homeless Services (DHS). The mission of this event not only estimates the number of unsheltered individuals, but is also a method to evaluate city programs in hope of providing better services. The event’s hours are somewhat odd as it begins at 10pm and ends approximately around 4pm because this is the best time to survey those who are without shelter.

Caitlin Becker, who is the Associate Coordinator of Community Service at Fordham’s Dorothy Day Center for Service and Justice, sent out a motivational message the day before the count: “HOPE Count is only 24 hours away... I hope you're all ready for what promises to be a meaningful experience for all--and one that is of great help to our community partners in the Bronx…We had an overwhelming response from students (with 106 students registered at Rose Hill alone!) and have reached our capacity for volunteers. Thanks for all that you did to promote HOPE Count and for your participation, and get some rest tonight!”

A few days after the HOPE Count, everyone (even those who wanted to volunteer after the cap had been reached) is invited to attend the Community Brunch in order to learn more about ways to get involved with local volunteering projects in which the focus will be on Homelessness is New York City. The guest speaker this year will be Doug Becht Program Director for the Homeless Outreach Team at Bronx Works who will share information on homelessness in the Bronx, and ways in which students can get involved.

On January 31st we gathered to be assigned to our groups of six, more than 100 Fordham students, faculty and staff fanned out across the Bronx in the snow to participate in the city’s eighth annual HOPE count street survey. Fordham University is infamous for providing the largest number of volunteers than any other institution according to the Bronx Citizens Advice Bureau. Many students bundled up in hats, leg warmers, vests and other clothes to fight the below freezing temperature. Each volunteer group surveyed a 20-30-block area. The volunteers questioned anyone they found in public areas. The groups worked with the New York Police Department and the Department of Homelessness Services to move anyone they found living on the streets into a shelter. The New York Police Department also provided police escorts for the groups that were surveying particularly large areas.

The number of volunteers citywide was estimated at more than 2,000. Portions of the volunteers were used as decoys, posing as homeless people in order to ensure that accuracy of the count. Once the information is compiled, the final number will have some bearing on federal aid made available under the Department of Housing and Urban Development. If any students are interested in volunteer opportunities, click here. It’s a great way to make a difference in the community and meet new people!

-Posted by Sarah Sullivan

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