Monday, February 13, 2012

Senior Nights!

This past Thursday marked only one hundred nights left until graduation for the class of 2012. While I'm sad that time has flown by so fast, the night itself was fantastic as all of us seniors came together for a Senior Night. Senior Nights are one of the great traditions at Fordham where the Senior Week Committee throws a themed party for the senior class about once a month. They are an absolute blast and a great way for all of us to get together and forget about having to leave this place in a few months!

The first Senior Night this year was "Clash of the Decades" where everyone came dressed up as their favorite moment/person/character from their favorite decade. The second Senior Night theme was "Childhood Dream Job". The third Senior Night fell in December and everyone dressed up as Santa (I personally wrapped myself in Christmas lights and went as a tree). The fourth Senior Night, this past one, is traditionally the 100 Nights celebration and everyone comes in their finest semi-formal attire.

What is so wonderful about this tradition is that it is something that everyone loves and participates in. I don't know for certain but I would venture to guess that a large majority of the senior class was in attendance this past Thursday. It was certainly a night to remember and I can't wait for the next one!

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