Thursday, March 29, 2012

Living at Lincoln Center during the Summer

Having a campus in Manhattan provides many great benefits for the Rose Hill campus in the Bronx. In addition to being able to take classes at both campuses throughout the academic semesters, Rose Hill students also have the ability to live in McMahon hall for the summer sessions. Most students who decide to do so intern in Manhattan as well as take classes during the evening courses. By living in Manhattan for several months, students can take advantage of everything the city has to offer during the summer.

Unlike most universities, this is a very unique opportunity. McMahon has four or six person apartments and students can specifically request to live with their friends when they fill out the summer housing application. It also provides a great opportunity to meet new Fordham students. Furthermore, the Lincoln Center campus has an ideal location between MidTown West and Upper West Side. It is near several subway lines, including A, C, D, B, and 1, and it is one avenue away from Central Park. This location boasts a wonderful variety of restaurants, activities, and events.

I have lived at McMahon Hall for the past two summers, between my sophomore and junior year and between my junior and senior year. Several of my friends and I took advantage of the nearby attractions. For example, the Harry Potter 7 Premiere was at Lincoln Center and we were able to see this from our room and easily walk over to star-gaze. The summer of 2010 involved all of the restaurants along 9th Avenue promoting the World Cup in South Africa with special discounts. There is also free kayaking located at 12th Avenue and 56th Street as well as biking or running down the west side highway along the waterfront. In addition, being so close to Central Park
made it fun to picnic on the weekends as well as attend the free summer concert program, or SummerStage, put on by the City Parks Foundation. The most spectacular part about living at McMahon was the view of the Hudson River. Every night, we had a clear view of the sun setting on the river and on the Fourth of July we were able to watch the amazing fireworks.
I would highly recommend to every Rose Hill student that they spend a summer living at Lincoln Center's McMahon Hall.


  1. This is also great for going out to the lower east side =]. My favorite place is Pianos. You also can chill at USQ.

  2. I can't believe you got to live there! What a great location.
