Monday, September 3, 2012

Running in NYC

I have played sports my entire life: I was a three season athlete in high school.  When I came to Fordham as a freshman, the hardest transition I endured was having so much free time and so little scheduled physical activity.  So, I took up running.

Prior to my freshman year I completely avoided running. I swam and rowed in high school because it did not involve running.  However, once at Fordham the sport became inevitable in my life. The campus at the largest loop is a 1.5 mile run. The NY Botanical Gardens is across the street and free to Fordham students and full of wooded running and walking paths. Eventually I became more adventurous and ventured to Manhattan to run Central Park and Riverside Park.  Running has become my passion. 

My sophomore year I decided to set goals for myself. First I did a 5k race in Pelham Bay Park that several Fordham students were helping to organize for a local organization to help fight obesity.

After a successful run in The Bronx, I moved on to a half marathon. There is a woman’s half marathon in Central Park every April; I knew I had to at least try. After many, many 1.5 mile loops around Fordham’s campus, I was ready. 

Coming off a half marathon, competing in Fordham’s annual Rose Hill Rush 5k race was nothing.

Every year since I have continued to go out and run a half marathon in NYC and several other shorter events.

My favorite event was in Brooklyn a few weeks ago. It is called “The Color Run”. Four times during the 5k run, runners are sprayed with different color paint.  I was covered, but had an awesome experience.

As I start my senior year, I still try to find time to run my 1.5 mile loop and my Botanical Garden paths and I hope to continue running different races around NYC. 

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