Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Birthday in the City

My birthday (I just turned 20!) happens to fall during restaurant week every year.  For anyone who does not know, restaurant week is a really awesome time in late January when almost all of the really fancy restaurants offer 3 course meals for only $35!  It is a great way to experience different cuisines and famous restaurants for a fraction of the usual cost.

So, since my freshman year, my roommate and I decided to try a new restaurant every year for my birthday since its less expensive and we love to get dressed up.  This year we took a night out on the town and went to a really nice restaurant called The Palm, which had cartoons drawn all over its walls.  After the very filling and very delicious meal, we decided to walk it off because it was such a beautiful night out (which doesn’t happen often in January) and made our way to the Lincoln Center campus to take the RamVan.  That last piece of chocolate cake was absolutely worth it, though! All in all, it was a great birthday dinner.  

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