Friday, December 10, 2010

Kid for a Day: Football and a Tour

The Rose Hill Society ambassador program at Fordham's Rose Hill Campus not only tours prospective and admitted students around campus and give them a glance into what life is like as a Fordham Ram, they also blog, chat and work heavily with group tours and community outreach to bring local youth on campus for early exposure to the college campus culture.

Recently our guides welcomed MS 331 on campus for a the Fordham vs. Colgate football game, lunch in the cafeteria and a campus tour. Read more below and if you're interested in becoming a Rose Hill tour guide once you get to campus, check out the RHS website.

Read more here:
Campus Life: Kid for a Day: Football and a Tour: "A couple of weekends ago about 20 students and 3 teaching fellows from MS 331 (right here in the Bronx) visited Rose Hill to tour campus an..."

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