Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Keeping Fit for the Holidays in McMahon is Easy

Thanksgiving just passed, and now we are entering the depths of the holiday season which means trouble for our waistlines. What with the stuffing, gravy, and pumpkin leading into an array of christmas cookies and eggnog, the holiday season's tempting treats are lurking everywhere we turn. And the holidays are also a cause of a whole host of stresses, per cause of finals, late-night study crammings, and gift buying.

But Fordham Lincoln Center students need not be afraid: the McMahon Wellness Suite will keep you fit--mentally and physically--throughout the holidays.

McMahon has a great student-run Wellness Community that offers free yoga and fitness classes to all students, residents and commuters alike. The classes are taught by teacher-certified Fordham students--from undergrads to law students. One of my personal favorite classes is U-Jam , a hip-hop dance class that gives your body a hardcore cardio workout through fun dance moves. You break a sweat, but have fun doing it!

(a sample Wellness Community Calendar from Nov. 2011)

The Wellness Community also holds fun seminars to get you in a great state of mind. From nutrition seminars to posture classes, the Community here at McMahon provides us with the tools to get into a great state of mind.

Counseling Services also offers each student 10 free sessions to talk about whatever is going on in your life, to help release your stress and get one-on-one help in managing your stress. They also offer tons of group sessions where you can gather with your peers to talk-out the stress. Both types of counseling offer students a chance to de-stress from the holidays.

The Holidays may be here, but it's no reason to let them overload you and take over your lives! Take back the holidays and have fun doing it in McMahon Hall.

1 comment:

  1. 10 free counseling sessions? That is a $1,000 value right there.
