As a Jesuit university, Fordham seeks to educate students not only in the classroom, but also by sending them out into the world to learn things that cannot be taught, but must instead be experienced. A phrase commonly heard on campus is the Jesuit slogan "men and women for others," and here at Fordham, this is exactly what we strive to be. There are countless volunteering opportunities at Fordham, especially if you're looking to get involved in the surrounding Bronx community. For example, since my freshman year, I have been tutoring at the Rosedale Center, a division of the South Bronx Educational Foundation.

I travel to the center once a week to tutor a single student for about two hours. A typical tutoring session with my student, Krystal, might consist of us reading a chapter of Number the Stars to work on her vocabulary, creating flashcards for any tests she may have that week and playing Hangman with her spelling words. The Rosedale Center, however, is more than just a place for academic growth: a huge part of the work I do with Krystal is to encourage character development as well. I am Krystal's tutor, but more importantly, I am Krystal's mentor.
My time at Rosedale has, without a doubt, been my most rewarding Fordham experience to date. Although I am there to help Krystal, whether it be with her algebra or with a problem she is having with a friend, the sessions have been far more mutually beneficial than I could have imagined. Over the past year and a half, Krystal and I have grown to understand each other, we have pushed each other to our fullest potentials, and we have developed a friendship based on trust and respect.
For more information, visit the Rosedale Center on the web!
Mentoring is a great life experience that you can not get in a classroom.