Thursday, October 20, 2011

Diversity at Fordham

With an approximate 6% rate of international students you would think that Fordham is not very diverse. However, being originally from Germany and therefore belonging to this minority at Fordham, I can say that numbers are misleading. Although the majority of Fordham students are from the United States, Fordham feels very diverse to me.
My Fordham experience started with the international student orientation at the end of August. To be honest, I expected it to be a rather small number of international students, but I was especially amazed by the diversity. While there may not many international students at Fordham, there is a surprising variety of countries represented with international students coming from over 60 different countries.
Additionally, Fordham‘s campus life is very diverse. For example, Fordham offers a variety of cultural clubs and organizations where you may find your home country and its culture represented and meet fellow expats. If the organizations can’t give you what you want, then there is always New York. In one of the most globalized cities in the world you can probably find a little part of every culture. So if you’re looking for diversity, Fordham can offer you more than you might think. Overall, its various cultural on-campus events and its location in New York make Fordham an ideal school for students seeking all kinds of cultural experiences.

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