Monday, March 25, 2013

Fordham Cinevents

One of my major pet peeves is having to wait for movies to come out on DVD after they have been in theaters. I'm not a particularly big movie buff, but I do thoroughly enjoy seeing what's getting good reviews as well as those movies that simply spark my interest. However, it's difficult to see movies to my heart's content seeing as how tickets can be up to $15 in the city. Therefore, I often find myself simply waiting until movies are out on DVD so that I can rent them... though I must say that maintaining this level of patience can be tough.
Due to my difficulty with mediating my love for new movies and my shrinking bank account, I was delighted to learn about Fordham Cinevents. Every Tuesday and Thursday, Fordham plays one of the most recent releases for free in Keating's 1st floor auditorium at 9PM. That's right, you heard it: NEW MOVIES FOR FREE! Most of the times, these movies have just stopped playing in theaters and have not yet been put on DVD, so you can imagine how thrilled I was at having to wait a much shorter time to see recent releases without having to pay money. Of course, they do not have the time to show every single movie that has been released recently, but they always manage to show the major blockbusters. You can check their times out on their facebook page at I highly recommend giving them a try!

Make sure to stop by on April 2nd or 4th at 8:30PM when they'll be screening Les Mis! 

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