Monday, September 24, 2012

Club Fundraising at Fordham

I love my mock trial team, but I have never loved them so much as I did last week when they all pitched in for our fundraiser. We had our traditional milkshake sale to help raise money for supplies, and depending on how well I do my job, team sweatshirts. Club fundraising is something most clubs on campus do in order to augment the funds that Fordham provides in the student government budget. As the Director of Fundraising this year, the pressure was on to plan and execute the first fundraiser I have ever done (besides Girl Scout cookies, but it’s harder when you’re not a cute second grader).

The flyer we posted all over campus

Over the course of three nights, we invaded upperclassmen dorms to take advantage of their full-size refrigerators and living areas. In shifts, my teammates took turns making and delivering milkshakes all across campus—we even kept delivering during what felt like a monsoon on Tuesday night.
An ingenious delivery method for writers at The Ram
When sales were slow, we sat back and chatted about classes, mock trial, and everything under the sun. It is one of the best ways to meet the newest team members and to reconnect with people I hadn’t seen much outside of our practices. I also have a good understanding of the best times to go ice cream shopping at the grocery stores near campus (Compare had great deals on vanilla!).

I was very nervous about whether the fundraiser would be successful or not. Many clubs on campus, especially GO!Teams, use food delivery to make their sale even more attractive to students. Thank goodness Fordham students are so generous (and unwilling to walk outside for food during a tornado watch)! The fundraiser was a complete success, and it has definitely changed the way I will look at other club fundraisers in McGinley or scattered around campus. Fordham students support so many good causes that it can be hard to decide whether to buy baked goods at one table or hold out for a GO! Team’s movie snacks during movie nights in Keating. No matter what, you will never have an unfulfilled craving at Fordham when club fundraisers are in full swing.

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