Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I have been involved with the Fordham University Emergency Medical Service (FUEMS) since the club fair during my first week of freshman year.  FUEMS is a volunteer student run organization that provides Basic Life Support to the Fordham community on the Rose Hill campus and the surrounding neighborhood.  The students involved are New York State certified Emergency Medical Technicians (EMTs) who are dedicated to helping their Fordham family.  FUEMS has two ambulances in its service and works closely with the Student Health Center, Campus Security, and the hospitals in the surrounding area, transporting and treating patients for anything, from an allergic reaction to a sports injury.  At the beginning of the year, new members sign up and attend three training sessions to learn about the ambulances and how to take vital signs, such as blood pressure and pulse.  After training, you can begin riding as the fourth member on crews made up of student EMTs.  In the second semester, you can attend EMT school, paid for by the university, and become New York State certified.

As you can see, getting involved with FUEMS is very easy and totally worth it if you want to have fun and learn basic first aid.  FUEMS is not exclusive to science majors and pre-med students.  I’m actually an International Political Economy major who just found FUEMS and emergency medical care interesting and wanted to help out in my community!

Check out FUEMS on the Fordham University website here!

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