Sunday, February 24, 2013

What is mock trial you ask? Mock trial consists of competitions in which students dress up like and pretend to be lawyers and witnesses in a court case. Fordham University’s Mock Trial teams (Lincoln Center and Rose Hill each have their own) compete in the American Mock Trial Association competitions every year which are tournaments all over the northeast. Being from California, the East Coast has always seemed like a mash-up of small states to me, all within easy reach of one another. Travelling with Mock Trial has not only disabused me of this idea that the East Coast is a homogenous mass of states, but it has allowed me to grow incredibly close to wonderful people. Our teams practice together every week, relax together, and travel and live together while at hotels during tournaments. This weekend was our last tournament of the school year, and we spent the time (besides competition time, of course) crying with laughter and taking crazy pictures of each other.
The fantastic group of people that Mock Trial attracts has formed a second family and some of my closest friends. They are Medieval Studies and theology and marketing and Engineering majors whom I never would have met if not for our shared hobby. Some of us intend to be lawyers, but some simply enjoy acting or want to hone their public speaking skills. We barely missed Nationals this year, and we have already scheduled a practice to review for next year. This club is going places, and we would love for you to come along with us! If you have any questions about Fordham University Mock Trial, email

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